About Cool Block


“Cool Block is an exemplary how-to guide for local communities to make a significant impact on climate. Very cool, indeed!”

The Cool Block Program

has grown out of designing and implementing block-based empowerment programs over the past 30 years, serving millions of people around the world. It integrates the content, knowledge and best practices gleaned from these years of experience.

The program had its humble beginnings as a book and now is a sophisticated website designed to help you and your neighbors become more planet friendly, disaster resilient, and community rich.

The journey is taken right where you live.

  • Each Cool Block begins with a block leader – a volunteer who is ready to make change right on their block. 
  • Using Cool Block leadership resources, each block leader goes door to door to invite all the households on the block to an information meeting. By the end of the meeting, a Cool Block team has begun to form. 
  • The Cool Block leader then holds a team building meeting, where a vision for the journey takes shape. Members sign up to lead or host one or more Cool Block topic meetings. Together, the team will explore eight topics over about five months. 
  • Each topic includes a menu of action recipes to choose from. Whether living in a house, apartment, or a dorm, team members find and select actions in each topic which they most want or need to take and are practical to do in their household.   
  • At the start of the program, households are working to change habits within their home. By the end of the program, the team is working together on actions that will impact their block and neighborhood.
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